September Newsletter!

Hi Rockets: Here is what was discussed at our meeting:
Upcoming races
9/16/17 – Sat. 9:30- NYR Runs Outrace Poverty 5K – Firefighters Field Roosevelt Island-UUNFCU Foundation Outrace
9/17/17 - Sun. 9AM NYRR NYC Marathon 18M Tune Up- Central Park (near capacity)
9/17/17 - Sun. 11:30 NYRR Kurt Steiner Cross Country 5K - Van Cortlandt Park
9/23/17 - Sat. 9AM- Conference House Endurance Challenge-Run as much or as little as you want….special award for participants that complete special distances.
9/24/17 – Sun 8AM NYRR New Balance Bronx 10 milier- (near capacity)
9/24/17 - Sun. 8:30AM NYC Runs Squirrel Stampede 5K @8:30 & 10K@9:30 Firefighters Field, Roosevelt Island
10/8/17 – Sun. 8AM - NYRR -Staten Island Half- SI Yankee’s Ball Field
Weekly Races:
Every Saturday 9AM - SIAC 3 mile fun run - Clove Lake Park
Every Sunday 9AM- NYRR-Conference House 3 mile run
Every Tuesday 7PM – NYRR – Silver Lake Park 3 Mile Run
Every Tuesday 6PM - Jimmy’s Old School Rocket Run-approx. 5 miles
Nancy Wagner Wetzel was unable to attend the meeting because a close friend, Nancy Pease, was critically injured and in a coma, after she was hit by a drunk driver in Brooklyn while participating in the Transportation Alternatives Century Bicycle Ride on Sunday morning. Let’s all keep Nancy Pease and her family in our prayers. Nancy did provide us with a Treasure report that was read at meeting.
Nancy did get a request letter from Michael’s Cause for sponsorship for their Halloween Race Run the Day before our Annual Halloween Run. Everyone in attendance agreed that each member could decide individually to run or not to run, and that this year unfortunately we will not be able to make a donation on behalf of the club. Application to their race can be found on if you are interested in supporting this great cause.
Darlene (that’s me) asked all Rockets to try to participate in this year’s Making Strides against Breast Cancer. My team, “The Dollface Diva’s” will be walking again this year, at Midland Beach, on Sunday Oct 15th. Can’t join us? Perhaps you could make a small donation…here is the link to my team. . Every dollar helps! Let end Breast Cancer forever. Thank you all for your continued support these past five years!
Brigid Howley spoke to us about Dine Out for Brayden’s Buddies to support the JDRF Walk –“The Pit Crew Dine Out” will be on Wed 9/27 at the Manor House ~ All day and night! Reservations are recommended and don’t forget to mention Brayden! 10% will be generously donated to Team Brayden! The Richmond Rockets donated to Brayden’s Buddies to have our name as a sponsor on his T-shirts. ($50) We also donated $200.00 from the club, along with a personal donation from Nancy Wagner Wetzel, to Joanne Rosiello’s for the JDRF Walk so the Richmond Rockets could be recognized with a mile marker at the walk. The JDRF Walk will be held at CSI on October 1st. Please try your best to individually support this great cause!
Angela Conte spoke about the Golf outing in memory of her beloved husband Bill Conte. Not a golfer, no worries, you can attend the Dinner only. There will be 50/50 & raffles all benefiting the GRACE Foundation. The club has once again voted to donate a Hole Sponsorship on behalf of the Richmond Rockets. Here is some general info….
The Bill Conte Memorial Golf Outing Friday September 22, 2017
Silver Lake Golf Course. Golf & Dinner $200.00 , Dinner only after Golf $75.00 @5PM For more information please call Jennifer at 718-600-4302 or Angela at 917-815-0108.
Triple Crown Results:
Congrats to all the Richmond Rocket Winners:
Teresa Notaristefano 1st - Female age group 25 to 29
Patricia Mulligan 2nd –Female age group 35 to 39
Jennifer Gregorio 1st – Female age group 45 t0 49
Lisa Lubarsky – 2nd – Female age group 50 to 54
Maureen Noland - 1st- Female age group 60 to 64
Angela Conte - 1st – Female age group 70 to 74
Martin Larrosa – 2nd – Male age group 25 to 29
Antonio Massa - 3rd – Male age group 50 to 54
Artie Noland - 1st – Male age group 60 to 64
John Dixon - 1st- Male age group 70 to 74
Tommy Hart - 3rd – Male age group 70 to 74
Triple Crown Awards Dinner : Tickets can be purchased at: no discounts this year for buying a table together, but there should be a field to enter team name and they will try their best to seat everyone together.
Trish Mulligan gave us a report on the Staten Island Yankee Night that was on Friday August 25 @7PM . 29 tickets were sold and we added $160.00 to our scholarship Fund. A Fun night was had by all!
At our last meeting we agreed to join forces with The Ocean Breeze Track to host our Annual Halloween Race. SO SAVE THE DATE: Sunday October 29th. We have formed a committee and have printed up applications, available on SI Running. Remember all proceeds from this race support our Scholarship Fund. So please promote this Run!
Thank you to the following members that volunteered to be on this committee! Joanne Rosiello, Darlene Vigliotti, Trish Mulligan, Andrea Dorman, Jimmy Hart, Nancy Wagner-Wetzel, Brigid Howley and Teresa Notaristefano. We are looking to have a quick Halloween Committee Meeting before our next monthly meeting on Oct 2nd around 6:30 or 6:45. Please email me back if this works for everyone
We had only one request for NYC Marathon guarantee entry and that was from Dario for his daughter Jessica. All her information was sent to NYRR and NYRR has informed her she has been accepted. Jessica will be wearing her Richmond Rocket Shirt when running the Marathon and they both send their gratitude in helping her get entry into NYC Marathon. Go Jessica!
Birthday Celebrations for the month of September: Happy Birthday to Corinne Driscoll, Joanne Rosiello, John Chan, Toby Biegel-Massa, and Alma McDermotto
Runner of the month for August: Congratulations to Lisa Lubarsky for completing her first Half Iron Distance Run, 70.3 miles in Maine in Late August. Way to go Lisa!
Next Meeting will be Monday October 2nd 2017 @ The Manor House.
Is anyone interested in changing the location for our Monthly meetings. It was brought to our attention at last month’s meeting that the new Bar/Restaurant, the Kettle Black on Forest Avenue, has offered us a side room with no strings attached! Perhaps a new venue might attract a larger attendance? Any other suggestions? Please let us know your opinion my emailing me back or reaching out to any of the officers. While we are grateful to the Manor House for the use of a private room free of charge, our numbers have been very low and might not require such a large room in the future.
50/50 - Our lucky winner was Jimmy Hart!
Lastly we ask that everyone please keep Tommy Hart in your prayers as he will be entering the hospital on Sept 22nd to check for clogged arteries of the heart since he has been having severe shortness of breath. Praying for the best Tommy!
Next Meeting Oct 2nd!