June newsletter

:Treasurers Report – was read to those in attendance. Congratulations to all that ran the Memorial Day Run, the first leg of the SI Triple crown: Rocket Members that placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their age group… Kristina Wiezbaski 1st age 15 to 19 Trish Mulligan 1st age 35 to 39 Jen Gregorio 1st age 45 to 49 Maureen Noland 1st age 60 to 64 Nancy Wagner-Wetzel 2nd age 65 to 69 Angela Conte 1st age 70 to 74 Antonio Mass 3rd age 50 to 54 Arthur Noland 1st age 60 to 64 Tom Bednarcyski 2nd age 60 to 64 John Dixon 2nd age 70 to 74 Congratulations and good luck on the next two legs of the Triple Crown! Upcoming Races: 6/10 – Saturday – 9AM Fun Run Champs 1st of Steve Lauria Series 6/10 – Saturday – NYC Runs Bkyln Pride 5K Bartel Prtichard Square, Bklyn 6/10 – Saturday - NYRR Mini 10K Women Only Race Central Park NY 6/11 - Sunday- 9AM 1st Annual SSG Michael Ollis 5k Run, New Dorp Lane 6/17 – Saturday-8AM – Patanell’s FLAT as a Pancake Sprint Triathlon and Duathlon- http://www.greenbrookracing.com/Pan.html for more info 6/17 - Saturday – NYRR Queens 10K –only Charity openings available 6/18 - Sunday- 9AM -Father’s Day 5K Mt. Loretta 6/18 - Sunday – NYC Runs-Running of the Balls-benefiting Testicular Cancer Roosevelt Island NY 6/24 - Saturday – 9AM “Last Race for Luke” St. Joseph by the Sea 6/24 - Saturday 9AM Bay Ridge 4 miler – 1st race of the Brooklyn Triple Crown (then on 7/15- 2nd race & 8/26 – 3rd race) 6/25 - Sunday - NYRR Achilles Hope & Possibilities 4M Central Park 7/4 - Tuesday- Arielle Newman 5 miles 9AM Forest Avenue 7/4 - Tuesday NYC Runs 5K & 10K Firecracker on Governor’s Island Weekly Races: Every Saturday – 9AM - SIAC 3 mile Fun Run - Clove Lake Park Every Sunday - 9AM- NYRR-Conference House 3 mile run Every Tuesday 7PM – NYRR – Silver Lake Park 3 Mile Run Every Tuesday 6PM - Jimmy’s Old School Rocket Run-5 miles Every Thursday 7PM - Tommy’s Speed Runs Clove Lake Park 3 miles “Last Race for Luke” - The Richmond Rockets have always paid for the insurance for this race, and it was decided at our June Meeting we will again pay the insurance for the June 24th Race. Please make every effort to attend this “Last Race for Luke Parlatore”! Car Magnets and Phone Wallets - $5.00 each. They make great gifts and remember all profits go to our Scholarship Fund. Also a great way to promote our running club! Both items will always be available at all meetings. Our Incentive program is going well…please check with Darlene to make certain she has a record of all Staten Island Races you have participated in and make sure you sign in at each meeting you attend. Rockets Apparel for sale: Need a new Richmond Rockets Shirt? Jimmy Hart will be on hand at every meeting with a selection of Rocket apparel for you to purchase: Pricing: Singlet $25.00, Dry-Fit Tee $15.00, Long Sleeve Dry Fit Tee $25.00, Sweatshirt $25.00. Special: Short Sleeve Dry fit and Long Sleeve Dry fit for $35.00 Remember…wear your Richmond Apparel and earn points! Email Jimmy ahead of every meeting or race and he will bring them to you! Birthday Celebrations We wished the following members that are celebrating a birthday during the month of June. Cherly Bergeron, Edwin Cosme, Jackie Mahoney, and Antonio Massa. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Runner of the Month for May: This month’s runner of the month is John Dixon. At the young age of 71 this man is unstoppable. A regular at most local races, the Thursday night speed runs, Jimmy's Old School runs, past SI Triple Crown winner, & many half marathons and marathons under his belt. He is a very active runner and a remarkable reminder that the sport of running has no age barrier. So keep hitting that pavement John, all of us at the Richmond Rockets are proud of you! Cosme’s Race - Sunday June 25, 2017 – The Richmond Rockets are scoring this race to help replenish our Scholarhship Fund. We are still in need of volunteers. Thank you to those that have already committed: Trish Mulligan, Darlene Vigliotti, Jimmy Hart, Andrea Dorman, Angela Conte, Bozena, Joanne Rosiello, Toby Massa, Richie Chin ?. We really need at least 12 volunteers to assure this race is scored correctly. Please consider helping out. You would need to arrive by 8AM at Coney Island, Race begins at 9:30, so we should be done by 11:00. Please reach out to me if you can volunteer! Pathway on Verrazano Narrow Bridge: Laura Barlament at Wagner College is a coalition partner in helping advocate a pathway for cyclist & pedestrians on the Verrazano Narrows Bridge. They are planning a Harbor Ring Summit for mid September- and was wondering if any members of the Richmond Rockets would be interested in joining. If so please reach out to Laura at LauraBarlament@wagner.edu We received a letter of thanks from MaryKate Drennan and a thank you email from the Garcia Family thanking us for awarded them a Richmond Rocket Scholarship. Next Meeting : July 10th @Manor House 7:15PM (Since the first Monday is on July 3rd, and this is a holiday weekend, we are going to check the availability for the Manor House for July 10th.) We had only 14 people in attendance at our June meeting and would love to see more people attend our meetings, and become more involved with our club. We are trying to look into a weekend trip to another State that offers a run for everyone. Perhaps a 5K , along with a ½ marathon and/or full marathon. If anyone has any suggestions, please send us info and we can look into accommodations and present it to our club. Today is Global Running Day! Join fellow runners and NYRR at Clove Lake Park from 6AM to 6PM or join them in a 3 mile fun run at Silver Lake Park at 7PM. Share here or on facebook when you plan on running today !