May Newsletter!

Hi Rockets:
Our May 1st meeting was very well attended. Thank you! It was nice that so many came to support and congratulate our 2017 scholarship winners: Tullis Garnder, MaryKate Drennan and Ariella Garcia. All three scholarship winners in the presence of their families were presented with a Scholarship Certificate and a Richmond Rocket t-shirt. We wished them all much success and extended our hope that they continue running in their college years and reminded them they are now members of the Richmond Rockets family and we hope they will join us in future races.
Here is a list of upcoming races:
5/6 – Newport 10K Newport Town – Jersey City
5/13 - Saturday - 9AM – Cesar Sanchez Tribute Run – FDR Boardwalk
5/14 - Sunday - 9:30AM - Spring Meltdown – Fresh Kills Park
5/20 -Saturday- 9AM-5K -Arnold Obey Armed Forces Day-Clove Lake Park
5/20 – Saturday – 5K – Pride Fest – Snug Harbor
5/20 - Saturday - Brooklyn Half – NYRR – Coney Island, Bklyn
5/20 - Saturday, Summit 4 miles. Summit NJ
5/29 - Monday-9:30AM, SI Advance Memorial Run, 4 mile, Fr. Capodanno
6/4 - Sunday - 10AM Capt Martin J. Egan Memorial Run, Midland Beach
6/4/- Sunday – 9AM - NYRR Retro – 5 miler – Central Park, NYC
6/11 - Sunday- 9AM 1st Annual SSG Michael Ollis 5k Run, New Dorp Lane
6/17 – Saturday-8AM – Patanell’s FLAT as a Pancake Sprint Triathlon and Duathlon- go to for more info
Weekly Races:
Every Saturday – 9AM - SIAC 3 mile fun run - Clove Lake Park
Every Sunday - 9AM- NYRR-Conference House 3 mile run
Every Tuesday 7PM – NYRR – Silver Lake Park 3 Mile Run
Every Tuesday 6PM - Jimmy’s Old School Rocket Run-5 miles
Tommy’s Speed Runs: Beginning this Thursday, May 1st, at Clove Lake Park, 3 mile fun run, every Thursday from May to the end of August. $3.00 per person, light refreshment after the race, awards to top finishers. Results sent to SI Advance. So join us every Thursday evening. Registration begins at 6:30. Race begins at 7PM.
Global Running Day Wednesday - JUNE 7TH
Celebrate Global Running Day with NYRR. On this day people all over the globe will get moving as part of Global Running Day, a worldwide celebration of the sport and activity we love. It’s about fun and fitness for people of all ages. To celebrate Global Running Day, NYRR will have a open run starting at 7:00 p.m. at Silver Lake Park or Stop by Clove Lake Park from 6am to 6PM to take the Global Running Day pledge, grab some fluids, and chat with NYRR staff and your fellow runners.
John Chan has our new website up and running but it is a work in progress.. Thank you John…we know this is a major undertaken and we all appreciate your hard work and dedication to the Richmond Rockets
Car Magnets and Phone Wallets - $5.00 each. They make great gifts and remember all profits go to our Scholarship Fund. Also a great way to promote our running club! Both items will always be available at all meetings.
Andrea, our VP, once again reviewed our new Incentive program to get more Rockets to show up at meetings and local races:
For every mthly meeting that you attend you will earn 1 point-as of 4/1/17
For every SI race you run as Richmond Rocket, wearing your Rocket apparel, you will earn 2 points.
For every race that you finish first in your age group you will earn 5 points.
For every race that you finish second in your age group you will earn 4 points.
For every race that you finish third in your age group you will earn 3 points.
For every race that you finish first overall in your gender group you will earn 10 points.
Once you have earned 35 points, our team will pay for one entry to your next race (up to $30.00).
We will start with local races on Staten Island beginning in April 2017. Remember, you must be registered as a Richmond Rocket and wear your Rocket apparel. We might branch off to include races outside of SI at a later date. Darlene will be keeping track of race results and taking attendance at each meeting, but please feel free to send her an email with your race results to insure that you receive every point that is earned. Go Rockets!
Rockets Apparel for sale: Need a new Richmond Rockets Shirt? Jimmy Hart will be on hand at every meeting with a selection of Rocket apparel for you to purchase: Pricing: Singlet $25.00, Dry-Fit Tee $15.00, Long Sleeve Dry Fit Tee $25.00, Sweatshirt $25.00. Special: Short Sleeve Dry fit and Long Sleeve Dry fit for $35.00
Remember…wear your Richmond Apparel and earn points! Email Jimmy ahead of time to assure he has the item you want in the correct size.
Post your workouts -Rockets, Running is our private facebook page, and Richmond Rockets is our public facebook page. Include when you are heading out for your run, where you are meeting, approx mileage, and approx pace. It is always more fun to run with friends and safer in numbers.
Birthday Celebrations We wished the following members that are celebrating a birthday during the month of May. Happy Birthday to
John Gonzales, Katie Schettina, Nancy Wagner Wetzel & Darlene Vigliotti!
Celebrating a birthday in June, email me so we can give you a shout out during our June meeting.
Runner of the Month for April: This was a tough one. For the month of April the following members really gave it their all….
Tony LaRocca ran two half marathons during the month of April. The Rutgers Half Marathon in 2:38 and the Narrows Brooklyn half Marathon in 2:10:10 –(also did two ½ marathons in March)
Antonio Massa completed the 5K Matts Race- placing 2nd in his age group, Wolfes Pond 10K- placing 2nd in his age group, and the NJ Long Branch half marathon.
* Both men ran wearing their Richmond Rockets Apparel.
Jennifer Marano completed two marathons during the month of April. The Boston Marathon, and the Long Branch Marathon with a PR and Boston Qualifier Time of 3:37:16
Jackie Mahoney completed the NJ Long Branch Marathon in 3:32:58 to also qualified for Boston next year.
Congratulations Rockets, you all make us very proud
Remember, you can nominate anyone you feel deserves to be recognized. It doesn’t have to be the person that ran the fastest, or the longest. It could be someone who is consistence and giving it their best.
Cosme’s Race: Sunday June 25, 2017.
As you are aware, the Rockets get paid for scoring this race. All proceeds go toward our scholarship fund. We are looking for volunteers to help out again this year. The following members have already signed up: Trish Mulligan, Darlene Vigliotti, Toby Massa, Angela Conte, Bozena, Andrea Dorman, Jimmy Hart and Joanne Roseillo. If anyone else is interested, please reach out to any of the officers. Please consider volunteering! This is your club and we need everyone’s assistance.
I am happy to report that we had 24 members attend our meeting (earning those points!) along with our scholarship winners and their families. 50/50 was $55.00 to the winner, and our very own President, Jimmy Hart, was the lucky winner.
Hope to see you all at our next meeting, June 5th @7:15.
“We believe a running club is more than just running together”